Friday, 26 July 2013


As I have said, I am trying to build a war 2 milieu set somewhere to the east of Germany at about 1943-44. It is to be a depot where damaged German tanks and vehicles are brought via rail to be repaired and re-deployed. I have chosen the season to be autumn with a light dusting of snow and frost on the undisturbed parts of the layout.


I have been researching the types of locomotives being used on the eastern front and there appeared to be many. I have chosen so far to have a Class 38, Class 50, and a Class 52.

Class 52 Kriegslok

War damaged Class 52 Kriegslok
The DRB Class 52 is in grey kreigslok livery and will be used as a long haul military loco pulling a Panzer unit including troops and tanks to the front. The unit has the new Panthers and Tiger I's as the main tanks.

Class 50

The DRB Class 50  is in standard black and is to be used for hauling freight and other carriages to the front. I will probably repaint this one in camouflage.

Class 38 Prussian P 8

Class 38 (Prussian P  8) being refueled on Eastern Front
  The DRG Class 38.10-40 is a heavy locomotive used for general purpose freight and passenger hauling. It was originally produced as the Prussian P 8 class from 1909 onwards.

All of these locomotives have been documented as being in use at that time and possibly in my fictitious location. I am still trying to find a suitable loco for use in shunting.

It appears that at that time there were a number of Prussian T 12 tank locomotives around being used for heavy shunting and goods trains on short hauls. Märklin H0 produce one of these in the 1980's - 1990's in the 3095 BR74. I am trying to get one of these from eBay now.
Class 38 in the winter on the Eastern Front.

Rolling Stock

Here are some of the photos of rolling stock I have found. By the 1943, due to heavy losses from bombing raids, trains where compiled from rolling stock of different types from different locations.

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